You Can Go Your Own Way a greeting card about the importance of choosing your own path.
Oh can I? I didn't know
Even if you can't do it immediately you can work towards finding your own path, you might need to retrain, learn new skills and then work at improving them. It might be a difficult path, but a difficult path is better than a miserable one.
This is a folded greeting card measuring 5x7 inches (13 x 18 cm) drawn by Andy Cunningham (me) with ink pens and fine coloured pencils, then printed at home, near the sea in England. I can print it on white or cream coloured heavyweight card.
The inside is left blank for your own message.
It comes in a sealed cellophane envelope to protect it from the elements and a stiff card envelope.
I drew this card on 3rd August 2018... OK, I admit it, I watched a Fleetwood Mac concert on TV and the song got stuck in my head, no I'm not proud but there you have it... realises the song has been stuck in my head for five months...
You can use the discount code 6FOR4 at checkout to buy six cards for the price of four, it gives you a 34% discount on any quantity greater than six cards, no, it doesn't work on teddy bears, mohair, patterns etc., just on cards.