This is a simple, uncomplicated greeting card, just a bear holding a flower. He's a very friendly bear, he seems to be offering the flower, I think he wants to make someone happy.
This is a folded greeting card measuring 5x7 inches (13 x 18 cm) drawn by Andy Cunningham (me) with ink pens and fine coloured pencils, then printed at home, near the sea in England. I can print it on white or cream coloured heavyweight card.
The inside is left blank for your own message.
It comes in a sealed cellophane envelope to protect it from the elements and a stiff card envelope.
I drew this card on 28th January 2015, a mid-winter drawing, a time of year with very few flowers, maybe I was yearning...
You can use the discount code 6FOR4 at checkout to buy six cards for the price of four, it gives you a 34% discount on any quantity greater than six cards, no, it doesn't work on teddy bears, mohair, patterns etc., just on cards.